

General information

  • Abstracts may address either own original research or summarize clinical, research, societal or patient related aspects related to one of the symposium’s topic (Vision)
  • Abstracts proposals should be submitted in English. Further details can be found in the template.
  • The main message of the abstract should be summarized in one sentence that is easily comprehensible for the general public.

Abstract submission

  • All abstracts must emailed  to
  • Each abstract has to provide a statement to patients and society
  • Formal guidelines are found in the template
  • Submission Deadline: August 19, 2022
  • Abstracts will be selected by the program committee
  • Abstract presentations will be integrated as short oral communications or virtual poster walks

Travel grants

We are able to provide travel grants to a limited number of participants. Individuals who submit an abstract are automatically eligible. A motivation not exceeding one page is required.

Application Deadline: June 30, 2022, extended – if interested write an E-mail to

Selection criteria for travel grants are:

  • Your genuine interest in the topic
  • Abstract’s fit to the symposium’s overall topic (in case of abstract submission)
  • Symposium’s impact on your personal and professional development
  • Your commitment on providing feedback towards your own clinical community, research community or –in case of patients– your local patient community

In order to allow individuals with (younger) children under the age of 12 to participate, we are able to sponsor additional costs covering travels for accompanying children.